I have no idea how I came across WeddingBeDazzle but I am so happy that I did! They had a huge selection! I was able to find exactly what I was looking for! I was so happy that I didn't have to settle just to stay in budget. In fact, I was even able to get coordinating Thank Yous and envelopes and STILL stay in budget! I picked out what I wanted and ordered proofs. Then they emailed me the proofs to approve. I knew I was still taking a huge gamble....I didn't know anyone who had used this site and I had no idea what the quality of the paper would be like. Once we made a few changes to the invitation I told them to print.
I love the square invitations with the hand torn pearl deckled edging. I was also able to customize the invitation with the fonts, sizes, ink colors, etc. that I wanted. I carried the same ink colors, fonts, etc. throughout all the invitation pieces and even onto the thank you cards.
I came up with the response card wording based off some ideas I found on Pinterest. I feel like it adds a little uniqueness to them instead of the usual "will attend, will not attend" wording.
When I went to mail the invitations, I came across one little problem. They were considered oversized envelopes! This made postage a little more than I expected and there wasn't a standard stamp rate for that size and weight invitation. After some freaking out about how to handle the problem, I ended up having custom stamps made. They were a huge hit! I received so many compliments on the stamps!
Our invitations ended up being perfect! I feel like they really set the tone for the elegance of the day! They were high quality and the WeddingBeDazzle was wonderful to work with!
Nice, simple and elegant.